Saturday, March 18, 2017

Our Pearl Harbor Visit

We visited Pearl Harbor on March 16, 2017. We took a launch to visit the USS Arizona, we went by shuttle bus to Ford Island to visit the USS Missouri, and we had a few minutes to visit the submarine memorial and see the USS Bowfin (a WW II submarine).

Arizona Memorial and USS Missouri in the background

The Wahoo, lost in the Sea of Japan, was one of the most famous submarines of WW II.

We had a beautiful, calm day to visit the Arizona.

Oil still seeps from the Arizona. It is said that the ship weeps for its crew, and will stop when the last survivor dies.

Robbie and Ken from the Arizona Memorial with Mighty Mo in the background.
The "Surrender Deck" of the Missouri. It was next to #1 Turret and not the fantail.
Plaque marking the location of the Japanese surrender. Here, MacArthur said the famous words, "These proceedings are closed."

Robbie at the entrance to the Missouri.
We noticed that, while Japanese visitors were a significant portion of the group visiting to the Arizona, the Missouri tour was filled with mostly Americans. Go figure.

We also did a sunset cruise past Waikiki to Diamond Head.

Honolulu on the left, the Grand Princess on the right

At left: Diamond Head

Waikiki Beach Hotels and Diamond Head

Sailboat in the setting sun

Hilton Sailboat Crosses the Setting Sun

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