Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Impounded Laundry

So, I returned on New Years Eve from a bike run to Florida. I carry a large suitcase with my clothes, bike tools, and other items. This case is getting quite heavy as I add miscellaneous bicycling items. When I got it back from the airline on Friday night, the zipper was jammed shut. Try as I would on Saturday -- actually all weekend -- I could not get to my gear. Unfortunately, the authorized repair place was closed on Sunday and Monday, so today was the first day I could bring it in for repair. Now I have freed my dirty laundry and I can rebuild my bike. It appears the case is probably a total loss, but we will see how well Swiss Gear warranty works.

Lesson: Spread the weight out among your cases so that they are not operating at "maximum capacity"!

Meanwhile, the cold weather has closed in again. I had every intention of biking over the weekend, or perhaps getting in a late afternoon ride (the sun sets at 5PM now -- whoopie!). But, with temperatures barely above freezing, the urge tends to pass pretty quickly. I even went out the other day to try out some new cycling shoes. I turned around before I went a mile -- hands were turning to stone. Alas, it's beginning to look like I won't be able to achieve my 200 mile goal for the month of January.

At least I have a trip to southern New Mexico over the long weekend to look forward to. That will get me some mileage for this unusually cold month.

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